Just Let It Go!

I recently relapsed.

A dumb boy hurt my feelings (or rather I let my feelings be hurt by what he did) and instead of brushing it off I got angry.

I’ve never, even at my most unfeeling times, been an angry person. I’ve been fortunate enough to understand that anger is a secondary emotion – a reaction to something deeper. But because I’m still working on understanding my own feelings (and I don’t really know what to do with them) the anger that sparked set a fire I didn’t know how to stop. No matter what I did I couldn’t seem to get the feelings to go away. I cried, I vented, I even broke pencils, but to no avail. Every time I thought about it the b**** would rear her angry head. I was miserable. I tried to rationalize with myself “He didn’t mean to, it’s a really small thing to be angry about, why are you being so irrational” but I couldn’t shut the feelings off. The anger was easier to handle than all the pain it was drudging up. Every insecurity I had kept surfacing. It was stupid. It was irrational. And I thought it was uncontrollable. Continue reading

Choose Happiness!

choose happy ombreMy dad always told me that happiness is all about perspective. Yet, being the stubborn, all-knowing person I was – I assumed he was wrong. How does that saying go about assuming? Something about you and me. Well I was that something. A big one. ‘Cause I had assumed WRONG.

From what I’ve learned this past year happiness is totally a choice. Every day we choose whether or not to be happy. It is COMPLETELY up to us!

You might be thinking that sounds “too simple” or “if it were that easy I’d be swimming in happy” or even assuming that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Continue reading

8 Reasons Smiling is a Superpower

Confessions of a Recovering B****” I mentioned the changes I’ve gone through over the past year. Something I’ve had to REALLY work on is smiling. As asufferer of RBF (Resting B**** Face) I’ve had to retrain my face to smile naturally. The conscious effort for the first couple months was almost exhausting, but eventually my smile became a more natural response.

This didn’t only improve how others perceived me, but it helped ME in ways I never understood. That is until I did a little research and according to Ron Gutnam, Psychology Today, Wall Street Journal, and tons of others recommend a daily dose of smiles!

Smile Everyday

As it turns out smiling, even though it’s super easy to do, is VASTLY beneficial to improving your life and the lives of the people around you! Here is why: Continue reading

Why am I here?

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, I want to show people that ANYONE can change. I am in the process of learning what it means to be happy and whole and I want to share what I find with each of you. Each of you has a purpose and I think mine is to help people find theirs. But…

If I’m gonna help people or change the world I’ve gotta figure out what works, what doesn’t, and how I can spread the word to the whole world! And on top of all that I’ve still got a lot more to learn about myself and what it means to really be a happy and confident human! Continue reading

Weird is an Asset

Last night a dear friend of mine expressed how badly she wants to feel comfortable being herself with others. But in the same breath she said “But I’m just so weird!”

Darling, if you’re reading this, those traits you consider “weird” are what make you one of the most beautiful people I know. Those “weird-ities” are what make you special. And beautiful. And YOU!

Let’s set the record straight here people, those things you think are “weird” are just different than the “norm”. And different does NOT mean flawed, less, or unacceptable. You need to accept that there are things about you that keep you from being just like everyone else.

I’ll be honest, though, the most important – and most difficult – part is accepting yourself. Dr. Seuss says it best: “Today you are you. That is  truer that true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!” Stop hiding the parts of yourself that really make you special. There is no glory in hiding who you are. Continue reading