About Me

As a little girl I wanted to be a superhero… and a princess… preferably at the same time. When reality eventually set in and I realized I’d never have access to enough radioactive anything to become a superhero and the whole princess thing was a bit overreaching – I settled for the next best thing: becoming a writer. It was the best of both worlds – I could be a superhero without ever getting punched in the face and a princess without having to filter everything I say or wear makeup every day.

With a flare for both sarcasm and sincerity in equal measure – an uncomfortable combination at first but one you’ll quickly grow to love – I write to sooth my soul, share my insights, document the journey I’m currently calling “Life” and to keep myself from going insane. I’m an expert in… NOTHING… with life experience that has only recently become moderately “credible”, but I still dream of changing the world.

I don’t care about being a princess anymore – I can be a damn princess if I want to, I don’t need a tiara or prince to deserve the title. If I can make someone laugh, give someone hope, or share a needed insight with anyone than that’s enough superhero-ing for me. I can be whatever I want to be – which is what makes this journey both terrifying and exhilarating.

I’m in the midst of some pretty big changes and I’m still trying to figure out who I am. But here’s what I’ve found so far: I want to be the type of person to see the glass as always half full – rather than my previous “realistic view” of half empty. I just want to do the best I can with the gifts I’ve been given. I want to learn EVERYTHING. I want to share what I’ve learned and spread a little hope to anyone willing to listen. And, most importantly, I want to start really living MY life the way I want to live it.

So if you are okay with listening to the sometimes soap-boxed rantings and sarcastically sincere musings of a twenty-something “super-princess” (better title in the works) – this is the place for you! I will do my best to keep you thinking, make you smile and give you a little hope for a brighter tomorrow. I look forward to growing, laughing and crying alongside all of you.

So thank you, my fellow hopefuls, for taking this journey with me. I will seem strange at times – and you won’t be wrong – but I promise you this: I’ll NEVER be boring.

Stay fabulous, you glorious hopefuls!

One thought on “About Me

  1. Good Woman says:

    I love your “Happy” blog so I have just nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogging Award. My intent in accepting and nominating others is to work to increase blog traffic. I would be delighted if you chose to accept, but if you prefer not to I surely do understand. You can read my nomination post and the rules on my blog if you are interested.


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